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 When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001

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When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001 Empty
PostSubject: When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001   When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001 EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 1:41 am

When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001 came as a surprise to the public. On the one hand, modern design and style, the load on the front was a big plus, on the other hand, however, a set of retail prices has become something of a shock to many people - More at
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When the first Whirlpool Duet album was released in December 2001
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